Monday, September 7, 2009

After Again

Again I'm back, either for good or not. I feel like expressing something into words. There's a bunch, a gang, a horde, a group, a lot of things flowing into my head. There are times when i just sit down and my head is blanked after a great hang out or a hang over, after a party or a good movie, after a good talk/laugh with friends, after an enjoyment. That enjoyment only played temporary. After everyone has left, I'm just all alone. Feeling quite a bit of emptiness. Even after my friends and I message each other that they and I had a great time, it goes back to square sometimes. The pleasure dies off, the candles dies off, the feelings fades away. And I'm in my room, thinking, wondering, imagining, Day Dreaming and the lights turns off. Is it just me? Did I not filled my heart with fulfillment? Or is there a hole in my heart which the fulfillment is leaking out? Is my expectations were too high that made me think like this? Is the atmosphere around me killing the implementation in me? Am i thinking too much? Someone please slap me some directions, some senses, some Sagacity.

Unsolved and Unfilled.

To be Continued.

Matchbox Twenty - Hand me down.

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